A few months after their journey to the Sea of Monsters and the return of Thalia, Percy and Annabeth receive a distress call from Grover, who claims to have found two demigods. During their rescue of the new demigods, the group runs Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, and her hunters. Unfortunately, Artemis soon goes missing, as well as Annabeth, leaving Thalia and Percy in an uneasy alliance with the Hunters of Artemis to embark on a quest to save them both. Nothing but danger lies ahead as old foes return and older evils begin to stir.
Rick Riordan takes the series to a whole other level in this third installment. Much like the first book, The Titan's Curse brings back a complex plot. There are multiple stories happening as well as the continuation of the series' arc. The writing is well-paced, picking the perfect times to add a high-octane action scene or a slow dramatic scene. The characters, both old and new, are fun and work well together. Seriously, this book contains some of the greatest scenes in the entire series.
The Titan's Curse blows the Percy Jackson series out of the water (pun intended) and leaves you wanting more. Onto The Battle of the Labyrinth!
5/5 Stars
You can purchase the entire series from Amazon for only $21 here!
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